Daughter's Duties

It is high time we raised our voice not only for the rights of a daughter but also for her duties. A daughter, who has enjoyed equal status as a son, should get the right to take the responsibility for her parents. Most daughters, who are willing to take the responsibility, find themselves helpless in the face of social and family disapproval. Sometimes, a daughter shrugs off the old and infirm parents as no concern of hers, as she is married and belongs to another family. However, the same daughter will not hesitate to claim her share of her parents' property when the time comes! The law has given her the right to claim a share in the family property even when she is married into another family. Why then should society hold her back when she wants to share the responsibility of looking after the needs of her aged parents?

The rights and duties of a daughter must go hand in hand. Every society evolves with the changing times. Social norms that were acceptable in the past no longer hold good today. Gone are the days of joint families and large households. Especially in urban areas, small nuclear families form a large portion of our society. In these small families, the old people do not find an acceptable place. Advanced medical facilities along with health-consciousness have increased the life expectancy of middle-class Nepalese. As result, we have a growing population of senior citizens today. And a sizeable number of these senior citizens have not only worked hard for society but have also done a great service to the nation by maintaining small families.

Those who have brought up only daughters and married them off, often lead a lonely and neglected existence, since daughters do not feel responsible for their well-being. There are thousand of senior citizens in our country who feel abandoned, yet helpless in the face of outdated social customs according to which they cannot depend upon their daughter in the time of their need. The changing social scenario demands a change in our social thinking. A daughter should have no hesitation in visiting her parents when they need her. Both sons and daughters should shoulder the responsibility of old parents amicably.

We have fought for the right of our daughters. Let us join hands and raise our voice together to give her a chance to perform her duties with dignity.


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