Simplicity Matters...

Simplicity is the finest way of living life. Simplicity implies beauty, purity and clarity. Who doesn't love a simple man? In fact, they are the ones who are adored and wanted by all. Simplicity denotes truth. It is the theme of Christian religion. According to St.Thomas Aquinas, even God is infinitely simple. Simplicity is the greatest ornament of man. It adds to his charm, personality and popularity.

Simplicity matters a lot in everything. A reader gets more fascinated towards the book due to its simplicity in writing and presentation. According to E. F Schumacher, any fool can make things complicated, but it requires a genius to make things simple. The beautiful element of clarity comes along with the simplicity of the lan guage. People mostly try to avoid reading extra long paragraphs that are full of exaggerations. A nice few short words make the sentences simpler for the writer as well as the reader.

Simplicity is the inevitable part of perennial wisdom that is promoted by many great thinkers and visionaries.

Although sometimes people think simplicity means a kind of `hair-shirt', simple dressing lifestyles, but they are not the core point. Simplicity is a positive quality; when things are simple they are well-made, they last forever,they are made with pleasure and they give pleasure when used. According to Leonardo da Vinci, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Simplicity requires fewer egos and more imagination, less complication and more creativity, less glamour and more gratitude, less attention to ap pearance and more attention to essence.

Simplicity is the greatest treasure.

The value of the greatest achiever goes higher due to his simplicity. In all, manner, character, the supreme excellence is simplicity. There is a saying that beauty lies in simplicity. A woman looks more beautiful when she is simple. The outer make ups is temporary beauty but it soon fades away. In the same way, a man is good,adorable when his simplicity is at his best. People don't like those who are proud and loud. And successful people are those who always bow down whatever height they have reached. It is a fact that all fruit trees always bow down when laden with fruits.

So, simple living high thinking is the best way to live our life. So, let's be simple and be a model to others.


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