Peace Sells.........But Who's Buying?


What do you mean, "I don't believe in God"?

I talk to him every day.
What do you mean, "I don't support your system"?
I go to court when I have to.
What do you mean, "I can't get to work on time"?
I got nothing better to do
And, what do you mean, "I don't pay my bills"?
Why do you think I'm broke? Huh?


If there's a new way,
I'll be the first in line.
But, it better work this time.

What do you mean, "I hurt your feelings"?
I didn't know you had any feelings.
What do you mean, "I ain't kind"?
I'm just not your kind.
What do you mean, "I couldn't be the president of the United States of America"?
Tell me something, it's still "We the people", right?

[Chorus: (repeat)]

If there's a new way
I'll be the first in line,
But, it better work this time.

Can you put a price on peace?
Peace sells...,
Peace sells...,
Peace sells...,but who's buying?
Peace sells...,but who's buying?
Peace sells...,but who's buying?
Peace sells...,but who's buying?
[n+1 times more]

No, peace sells...

Daughter's Duties

It is high time we raised our voice not only for the rights of a daughter but also for her duties. A daughter, who has enjoyed equal status as a son, should get the right to take the responsibility for her parents. Most daughters, who are willing to take the responsibility, find themselves helpless in the face of social and family disapproval. Sometimes, a daughter shrugs off the old and infirm parents as no concern of hers, as she is married and belongs to another family. However, the same daughter will not hesitate to claim her share of her parents' property when the time comes! The law has given her the right to claim a share in the family property even when she is married into another family. Why then should society hold her back when she wants to share the responsibility of looking after the needs of her aged parents?

The rights and duties of a daughter must go hand in hand. Every society evolves with the changing times. Social norms that were acceptable in the past no longer hold good today. Gone are the days of joint families and large households. Especially in urban areas, small nuclear families form a large portion of our society. In these small families, the old people do not find an acceptable place. Advanced medical facilities along with health-consciousness have increased the life expectancy of middle-class Nepalese. As result, we have a growing population of senior citizens today. And a sizeable number of these senior citizens have not only worked hard for society but have also done a great service to the nation by maintaining small families.

Those who have brought up only daughters and married them off, often lead a lonely and neglected existence, since daughters do not feel responsible for their well-being. There are thousand of senior citizens in our country who feel abandoned, yet helpless in the face of outdated social customs according to which they cannot depend upon their daughter in the time of their need. The changing social scenario demands a change in our social thinking. A daughter should have no hesitation in visiting her parents when they need her. Both sons and daughters should shoulder the responsibility of old parents amicably.

We have fought for the right of our daughters. Let us join hands and raise our voice together to give her a chance to perform her duties with dignity.

In search of happiness

Have you ever tried catching a butterfly? It perches nimbly on a flower, gently folding and unfolding its wings while you approach it noiselessly from behind and, just when you think you have caught it, it flies away-a transient flash of colorful wings, enticing yet mostly unreachable. Well, that's what happiness is like. The more you chase it, the more elusive it gets. At the risk of mouthing an oft-repeated (but little heeded!) cliché, I will say that happiness comes from within. In fact, sought outside one's being, it is akin to a mirage-you just don't seem to attain it! You, and you alone, have the power to make yourself as happy as you wish to be! Truly an awesome thought?

So, how can you be happy? By not trying too hard, for starters! By lightening up a little and overlooking minor setbacks and hiccups instead of treating each of them as a major disaster. The world gives a hoot whether you smile or frown—so why not increase our face value by smiling? If you can only learn to laugh at some things, the scenario would not seem so grim all the time! Actually, I wasn’t too sure that I could do it but my mother made it sound quite easy—so I decided to give it a try. Once I had resolves to find my happiness in day-to-day events and activities, I realized that there are indeed several other ways to make oneself happy. If you can train yourself—via meditation, positive thinking, or whatever— to find inner peace and calm, then you will attain happiness far more easily than others.

It involves making peace with yourself, accepting who you are and not worrying about or fighting unknown or unseen demons.

No doubt, it is tough, but I believe it is worth trying. And, above all, count your blessing—it will immediately put your heart in the right place and fill your soul with humility and gratitude for all the things you have, things which you need to be thankful for but have only taken for granted so far. And, even if things are not as hunky-dory as you’d like them to be, be grateful for the fact that you are at least alive to know that they are not. Would you rather be dead? Think about it. All these are but small ways of achieving happiness, but they can boost your self-worth which, in turn, can motivate you to go beyond your best in your life and in your relationship, that is a reward worth vying for.

The Beautiful Game

What I like best about World Cup is it brings the seasonal football fan out of most people and analysts out of everyone

I am an avid book reader and an incorrigible shopaholic. With the fear of sounding shallow, I admit getting a good bargain can at times be as fulfilling as reading a good book. But the hard-earned reputation of being brilliant at shopping could boomerang when I have to chaperone my friends at their shopping spree and things could be tormenting when I am broke. My ATM card is a mockery since I only know how to draw the money; guess I missed the lesson on depositing. But the shopping I had with my best guy friend the other day was entertaining as well as eye-opening. I bet that’s what the great rhetorician Philip Sydney meant by having a learning and pleasing experience at the same time. A self-professed Argentina fan, to be more precise, baby-face Messi’s fan, my friend wanted to get himself a jersey of Argentina with Messi’s name emblazoned on it. When we reached one of the city’s leading men’s clothing stores, to his utter disappointment and my amusement, the store was simply out of Messi’s jersey. The look on my friend’s face was exactly the look I see on faces of kids when they drop their much-pined-for ice-creams. To add injury to his insult, the salesman suggested that they do have Tevez’s jersey and would my friend care to buy that. Well, I like to call my friend a fair-weather football fan. He dœsn’t give a hoot about football for three years and eleven months and it’s only when there is World Cup going on that he remembers he is sworn Argentine fan and words said against the team is a personal attack on him. So given his past record and conduct, I had my reservations if he knew who even Tevez was, though I believe if Argentina moves further in the tournament, he will know and come to love the player with a burnt scar on his neck and an impressive resume of playing with world’s top-notch Football clubs. What I like best about the World Cup is that it brings the seasonal football fan out of most people and analysts and experts out of everyone. It seems such a waste of money that footballing nations are pumping big bucks on a team of coaches, managers and body of selectors. Why, the audience can do the job for less-than-a-quarter of what they are paying their team of accomplished experts. I simply love listening to the postmatch analysis. Don’t jump to hasty conclusions, I don’t mean ESPN or Star Sports. They only have bunch of players who onceupon- a-time made their appearance in past tournaments or played in top leagues. So what? Their analysis is hackneyed, oh-sopredictable and couched in sugary, syrupy language, taking care not to offend anyone so that no one files a lawsuit against the channel they are working for. The real surgery of the match is performed with deft hands, sharp eyes and razor-tongues in college canteens, work places, gymnasiums, cafes; in short, everywhere where there is a likelihood of meeting two or more people. Football offers excitement, thrill, the rush of adrenaline, drama, action, beauty, sportsmanship, and the camaraderie. By camaraderie, I am not talking about the sportsmanship between nations who outside the ground share a hostile history. I particularly have in mind the instant camaraderie I see in people when they realise they are rooting for the same team. I open my Facebook account and all I see on my home page are my friends mocking the loss of their friends’ favourite teams, communal mourning, or group cheering. Like the way the vuvuzela has been causing hearing problems to players on the fields, I am having a problem trying to find out what’s going on in the lives of my friends. Don’t get me wrong. I love this beautiful game. What’s there not to like about it? It’s a game where strength and stamina of an athlete blends with the agility and skill of an artist. The pace with which players move is stunning and the skill with which they manœuvre the ball is spectacular. The defenders trying with all their might to stop their opponents from scoring; the midfielders who walk the dual sword of dispossessing the ball from opponents and creating opportunities for their strikers; and the perfect finish of the strikers—no wonder the game is the world’s most popular sport. I watch the 90- minute-long riveting match with anticipation and exhilaration, but with a fear of being labelled shallow again, I confess I get really dejected if players don’t exchange their jerseys at the end of the match. Tell me, where on earth can you see a better- toned, sweat-glistened, sculpted body than on a football field? If the football aficionado within me makes me watch the match, the girl inside me glues herself to the post-match ground action. And trust me, I am not the only one who thinks along these lines. Guys who like Anna Kournikova or Maria Sharapova know exactly what I mean. Besides, these days, the place I work out of is virtually empty. Not many men turn up, and even if they do make it, they turn up late, rubbing their eyes and breaking into loud yawns, thanks to the pastmidnight matches and not to mention the ubiquitous matchanalysis. But I am loving the tournament, the ardour with which fans talk about their favourite teams, the plea in my classmates’ voice when they beg our teachers to cut short our evening classes, the almost-fanatical edge in the people’s voices when they are rooting for their teams, the outbursts, the ecstasy, the jubilance, and the outbreaks. So, why am I giving a lukewarm response to the biggest sporting event of the world? See, the fact is that I need to warm up, and given the length of the tournament, I am certain I will have more than enough time to get into the game.

Karate Kid Kicks up Some Real Fun

When you have Jackie Chan sharing screen space with Jaden Smith (Will Smith's son), you expect magic, and you won't be disappointed with Karate Kid. The remake of 1984 hit of the same name, Karate Kid has perfect balance of humour, drama and, of course, martial arts.

Frankly, instead of Karate Kid, the movie should have been named Kung Fu Kid, as the focus is on kung fu rather than karate, but who is complaining?

The movie begins with Dre Parker (Smith) moving to China from Detroit with his mother Sherry Parker (Taraji P Henson). While Sherry tries her best to make her son adapt to the new environment, Dre finds it very difficult to be a part of the world that is not only new and different, but also speaks a different language. While trying to know the guys in his neighbourhood, he comes across Meiying (Wen Wen Han), a beautiful young violinist, who quickly becomes good friends with Dre.

But Cheng (Zhenwei Wang), a bully and a family friend of Meiying's, does not approve of Dre and her getting close . He ends up hitting Dre with some serious kung fu moves.

Dre and Meiying continue being friends, while Cheng continues bullying Dre now and then as they all attend the same school. While Cheng and his group are bashing Dre up one day, the building's maintenance guy Mr Han (Jackie Chan) comes to Dre's rescue. Watching Cheng and friends misusing kung fu and their teacher Master Li teaching them not show mercy to their opponents, Mr Han decides to teach Dre `the real Kung Fu' and participate in a tournament against Master Li's students.

While learning kung fu, Dre and Mr Han get closer battling their inner demons and fears as well.

Harald Zwart who has tried comedy before with Pink Panthar 2 has used a fine balance between hu mour and action. The training session scenes and the chemistry between Chan and Smith make the movie interesting. The cinematography is good, especially during the scenes from Wudang Mountain. Chan is in a different role than other movies in the role of a drunkard loner who keeps to himself but is a good person with the right knowledge of kung fu.

Those who are hoping to see Chan kick butts will be disappointed as he barely shows his moves. The movie actually belongs to Smith, who is on his way to stardom. From comedy to emoting to action, Smith proves he will be ruling the box office just like his famous father. The antagonist Cheng can not only do some serious kicking but also is good in emoting and has done full justice to his role. It won't be a surprise if we see him becoming the next Jet li.

Though the Karate Kid has a Bollywood feel to it, especially at the end, one cannot deny it is worth your ticket money. All in all a worthwhile movie for your children's summer break and many of the parents can even reminisce about their childhood as well. Karate Kid Director: Harald Zwart Cast: Jackie Chan, Jaden Smith, Taraji P Henson, Zhenwei Wang and Wen Wen Han Being screened.


In the stillness of forest,

In the groves amidst the tall trees,
To the leaves the east wind whispered,
To sweet rhyme this tale of wonder,
Full of beauty, full of mystery,
Singing softly, singing softly.

Of traditions now forgotten,
Of tolerance and harmony,
Of a people free and fearless,
Of their simple ways and manners.

How they learnt the song of nature,
How they lived and loved and worshipped,
How they fought and how they conquered,
How in times of good and evil,
Learnt to whisper even gently,
In the secret of their of their own hearts,
The name of the one, the nameless one,
The formless one, the endless one.

I Don't Have Time.........

Written By: Pallav Gogoi (

Some lines

some words
some memories
some love.

Is this what left in my life?

Some thoughts
some friends
some books
some CDs...

Is what I possess?

Everything is so dull now it seems
but how many more days
I will survive this life...
Where the sun, moon and stars are all dark.

Time stops, love stops, everything stops
When it comes to me...
Well I don't have time now
is what I say to myself
every single day....

I think of getting married
I think of driving a Merc…
I think of returning back home
I think lot of things....

But is this what I am made for
what I am...I really wonder
Confused at times.
I want to be a man sometimes from a sheer boy.

My poetic existence means nothing
my poems holds no meaning.
My words seem vague now.
As if I am growing old...

I think little optimism will work.
I think I should grow.

I think I have to do it now...
I think I don't have time....

Is my poem good?
Oh it doesn’t matter though
because they are my true feelings
something very real about me.

Our Friendship!!!

Every smile you thought went unnoticed
............................I wiill remember
Each laugh we have shared
............................I will remember,
I will relive these momeries forever
Because we have true friendship.

I will remember the talks we have shared
That sometimes could have last all day
When we could comfortably say nothing
And the silence for us was okey.

For me every moment meant something
I realise you to say the same
If I had hurt you strongly
Don't be angry because
Anger brings nothing but pain.

(Written during my high school farewell days)

What is LOVE?

"When my grandma got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandpa does it for her now all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love." -Rebecca, age 8

"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." -Terri, age 4

"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and
little stars come out of you." -Karen, age 7

"Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more.
My mommy and my daddy are like that.
They look gross when they kiss." -Emily, age 8

"Love is when mommy sees daddy on the toilet and
doesn't think it's gross." -Mark, age 6

"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and
she takes a sip before giving it to him,
to make sure the taste is OK." -Danny, age 7

"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your
French fries without making them give you any of theirs." -Chrissy, age 6

"You really shouldn't say I LOVE YOU unless you mean it.
But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget." -Jessica, age 8

We all know (I hope!) what love is, but who better to define it than a group of kids ages 4-8? You may have received this- it came via an email share to me. I shared some- not all here, though it was hard to pick as all of them were really good definitions of love.

My Favourites quotes..........

"Life is more than anything that a mind of a man could invent" -Sherlock Holmes

 "There never is a good war and a bad peace" -Unknown

 "We fight, we forget , we meet , we depart, we love and we part ,we collect our past and walk ahead , we leave many people , we meet newer ones , we live moments , we share , we just move forward…We crave, we smile ,we cry looking back at our happier days ,we laugh at our silly mistakes that we have committed in our past….we desire better partners, we wait for magic in our lives…but we never realize how magical is our journey called life!!!"

 "Be a source of joy. And let the critics and haters complain about the world." -Paulo Coelho

"We people of the world need to find ways to get to know one another--for then we will recognize that our likenesses are much greater than our differences, however great our differences may seem." -Peace Pilgrim

 "The point of power is always in the present moment." -Louise L. Hay

 "Your mind is a tool you can chose to use any way you wish. The thoughts you choose to think create the experiences you have." -Louise L. Hay

 "Everything that is done in the world is done by hope." -Martin Luther King

 "Whenever you feel uncomfortable, instead of retreating back into your old comfort zone, pat yourself on the back and say, “I must be growing,” and continue moving forward." -T. Harv Eker

 “Happiness depends more on the inward disposition of mind than on outward circumstances.” -Benjamin Franklin

 "Kindness is the universal language that all people understand." - 2 Corinthians 9:6

 "If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart." - Gautam Buddha

 "Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin." -Grace Hansen

 "There is no “right answer,” only an answer that’s right for YOU."

 "The sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being." -Carl Jung

 "We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude." -Cynthia Ozick

 "Love is not consolation. It is light." -Friedrich Nietzsche

 "The greatest distance in the world is the 14 inches from our minds to our hearts" -Agnes Baker Pilgrim

 "No act of kindness is ever wasted." -Aesop

 "Today is it. Are you living your life? With passion, conviction, and pure joy? What about love? Do you seek it out? Do you believe and soak it in? Take the time now to breathe and wonder and feel and RETHINK your life. Your dreams. YOU."

Sunk by reality...betrayed by destiny!!!

As I was lazing around in my bedroom doing nothing creative at all,sipping coffee and smoking lots of Marlboros and listening too much of Pink Floyd, I thought to scribble down something .Till now I am just thinking what to write, as bloggers are becoming too critical with each passing day. When I see the bulk of newspapers and magazines thrown onto my balcony, I just wonder is reality, so complicated?. The same things occurring day after day. Stocks were rising and falling, retail sector coming in a big way, new multiplexes, new mobile schemes, mergers and acquisitions phew!!!Really business news sucks out my whole blood and at last I try to pull off my hair and scream…give me a break!!! Well how much you can develop ,how much you will go ,how much competition you will face ?Lastly you seek for the divine happiness which is as hard as finding a safety pin lost in a marbled room. I still wonder the fast paced life is just going towards a robotic world where people will have everything expect a soul. I can see the world turning into a science museum where human beings like you and me will be showcased, labeled as “extinct creatures.” Well I can remember Darwin now…survival of the fittest!!! Darwin must have thought the same thing when he was distributing his theories.

I am not here to criticize the growing pace of life but I am here to give you a glimpse of the world if mankind stops using their hearts and go with the flow.Well,we may be labeled as a loser if we try to run away from reality and seek solace in a virtual world ,but this belief is totally a misguiding light for those who want a real big space to exercise their creativity. When I was kid I use think why writers, poets ,musicians, painters keeps long beard, why they stay in an old apartment amidst cockroaches and lizards and those unclean unhygienic cobwebs sticking to their just –to-break walls? After so many years I got the answer as I want to do the same thing if given a chance. I want to be termed as a mad guy as sometimes I think so much that if somebody possesses the strength to look and hear whatever I speak in my mind, he would surely show me the way to any mental asylum. But as every insane fellow says that he is not mad I contradict them for a change. I want to flaunt my madness in the form of words. I want to reach to everyone who is tired of the harsh reality. Everyone who wants a break to break free and are really stressed out!!!Well I remember one guy telling me how he spends his evening as he is also from our tribe of escapists! Well he wears an overcoat and with his hat on, go for a walk and talks to himself and whenever he sees somebody crossing him he just sings a song in order to hide this madness. He is not the only loner talking to himself, Lost in thoughts, there are many such types of would be extinct creatures as mentioned above wondering without a focused aim or they are waiting for a miracles to visit them. You can even observe many heartbroken lovers walking and singing ‘sau dard hai’…well guys I can understand your pain as I went through every situation in my not so old life. But I believe everyone belongs to some community or other.

A businessman will find this article useless and a total crap and broker cant even understand it but someone like you and me know what we basically think and seek for. Again a thought is running in my head to write something about those people who tries to suppress you down whenever they get a chance. Those people are energy vampires, they really tries to show us that we are nothing!!!What to do with those kind of people who possesses a complete materialistic heart. They hardly try to understand human feelings rather they try suck our blood with their unfathomable gaze. Well I should end today here by saying that “We will not be in the museum at least as we have also studied Darwin for sure” So guys like you and me still have hope to show these people, what they can’t see with their blurred vision!”

Diaries and .......

Today is the first day of 2010….again a new year….and when I immediately look back….I can see many pictures, many incidents, many friends, many memories…. Trying to fade away with the dawn of this year…how can I let them go so easily….how can I forget them, how can I leave them without treasuring those blissful moments of last year. So I thought of penning it down!!!

Today every memory is visiting me and in every memory I can find a story!!!

Well this is not my diary of nostalgia but a story untold. Can I stop those unspoken echoes of my soul to get washed out with the sands of the so-called Time? Well my journey of life can’t continue without those lovely incidents which I found in my trip…. to my destination. How can I overlook those people who brought smile to my face whom I never met, never knew… don’t even know whether I will meet them in my entire journey or not but moments shared with them will always remain in the backdrop of my mind….Oh!!!When I look flipside, I can see a group of friends …self-proclaimed pied pipers with full zest preparing for presentations….. Busy in photo sessions for their promotion .The photo perhaps never got planted in the walls of their college! But you can hit upon it in someone’s room now…..Why memories make me crave to bring together those happy moments spent with my friends…I remember last year’s valentine’s day when I met someone very sweet…we became so close that day that we forgot the world and really tried to make our own little kingdom of dreams….but you know nothing is forever so again my friend walked away slowly without saying a bye….those parties ,the cafe near our college will be remembered…but life has to go on ….You lose old friends and then new friends comes to replace them and again a new relationship starts ..And you become happy….Well 2009 …..My first distant trip to Spain once more brings some unforgettable memories …the maple leaves and my first look of the beautiful city of Madrid beckons! Well I enjoyed my trip to the land of bull fight where I did a below lip piercing. Life isn’t so short I guess. It’s difficult to capture those beautiful emotions of my life, those smile in only one page…..Someone rightly said that…Stop pacing the aisles and measuring the distance. Instead, climb more mountains, eat more ice-cream, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more, and love more. Live life as you go along. So I decided to continue my journey …..relishing every moment….Well 23rd November, 2009 is again a day of my life as my dear sister walks away with glory in her bridal suite leaving us to an another family…..though that day I didn’t even cry because I felt so dry inside.….the heaviness inside my heart is still felt when I said my last bye to my sister….childhood memories came as a flashback where I saw myself and my sister fighting for some chocolates!!! I saw my dad’s eyes… I can see the pain of being a father and handing over his daughter to another person and a family…but still this is life and I enjoyed my sister’s marriage fully. Thought of even getting married! Well I can’t end this year without saying about some of the nicest people on earth…with whom I talk whole day….with whom we talk ‘bout our traits… I really love to be with them…I know they will be smiling reading this because they know how important they are for me…..they are my support system…..well today , my mind is full of some unbreakable resolutions….hope I will succeed in keeping them…..I want to make this year…. “A year of love and happiness”…hope my dreams see the light of the day…..well this recollection will never fade as I have treasured them now…. So my boy can see a bright light of star shine is calling him……He is found walking towards the light now….well life has to go on ….So is the tale of that boy called ‘me’!!!

Humorous Rhyme

A local newspaper ran a competition asking for a rhyme with the most romantic first line....but the least romantic second line. Here are some of the entries they received.

I thought that I could love no other,
Until, that is, I meet your brother.

Roses are red, violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet, and so are you.
But the roses are wilting,
the violets are dead,
the sugar bowl's empty
and so is your head.

Oh! loving beauty you float with grace
If only you could hide your face.

Kind, intelligent, loving and hot;
This describes everything you are not.

I want to feel your sweet embrace,
But don't take that paper bag off your face.

I love your smile, your face, and your eyes-
Damn, I'm good at telling lies!

I see your face when I am dreaming,
Thats why I always wake up screaming.

My love, you take my breath away,
What have you stepped in to smell that way.

My feelings for you no words can tell,
Except for maybe "Go to Hell"

What inspired this amorous rhyme?
Two parts vodka, One part lime.

Need You

A wait, a long wait

(The Knob clicks and the door opens)

A smile, a warm smile.

A merry kettle on the stove,
My eyes fixed on her back.
The boiling water, milk and tea leaves.
(She set the table for tea)

A sip,
Two sips.
Umm...something's missing!

"Oh no.....Need sugar?"
"Nah.......Need You!"

What I learn..........

I have learned a lot of lessons in my life, actually I am still learning. A lot of these lessons were easy, and some ... the hardest ones to learn, have made me a better person. And I try to put them to good use each day..I should never stop learning ... no matter what the lesson is. There is something valuable in each situation we are confronted with. And while it may not seem to be so at the time. Eventually I will understand why I needed to learn a certain something.

 What i had learn in my life.....

I've learned that I can make someone love me. All I can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.

I've learned that no matter how much I care,some people just don't care back.

I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.

I've learned that it's not what I have in my life but who I have in my life that counts.

I've learned that I shouldn't compare myself to the best others can do but to the best I can do.

I've learned to read between the lines..

I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences I had and what I learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays I celebrated.

I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes, I have to learn to forgive myself...