Honking heroes pollute..........

My friend and I do many things in the same manner. We enjoy riding bikes on the streets, highways and narrow alleys. I envy him sometimes, because he shows some better skills on the wheels. But he has a very nagging habit that I wish him to change.

Not only him, if all the youths of this country could change that habit, we would move a notch up in civic behavior. The issue is about honking.

Honk... Beep.... Blare...Toot... Honking, everywhere, every time and by everyone.

Irritated with my continuous plea not to blow the horn, my friend once asked if we were not to blow the horn why had it been fitted on vehicles. It is supposed to be used in emergencies, not every other second to make our environmentally polluted city further polluted by sound. We also have a mouth and throat that can make a very loud noise. If we were to shout every time without purpose, what would people think about it? If people start venting their ire, anger, happiness, love everything loudly on the street, not caring about the other people, just imagine how noisy would our environment be. Blowing the horn every now and then is almost the same, if not more. We vehicle riders should be considerate about other people's ear drums because our vehicles are roaring all the time. We know the engines can't be silenced up to a certain level, that's why we have to restrain ourselves from blaring unnecessarily.

How to avoid other vehicles coming from the other side in the turning?

How to make people give space to you on the road? How to make the vehicle in front of you to let you go? How to ask the gate keeper to open the gate? How to draw the attention of the girls. How to irritate your competitor in the other bike, how to enter into the main road, how to call a friend to come down, how to ... ? You are supposed to use your eyes, not to just depend on horns to avoid collisions. If you are prepared to respect the pedestrians, just go slowly behind them, they will let you go. You will at the most lose around five to seven minutes by not blowing the horn, but you might have saved your life by slowing down and keeping watchful eyes on the road. Use your head to understand that no one wants to be late, so the vehicle ahead is not stopping there for no reason. You blowing the horn won't push the traffic forward.


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