What your handshakes says about you?

Your handshake can reveal your person ality. Which of the following handshake style more closely resembles your personality?

1. Firm and brief Conveys confidence, assertiveness and professionalism. The person using this handshake is perceived to be trustworthy and willing to listen. A firm handshake provides opportunity for a favourable first impression, it suggests a person who is knowledgeable and possesses excellent social skills.

There may be circumstances where a woman's assertive behaviour can be misinterpreted as being too forward..

2. A real shake It indicates an open and outgoing person who has habit of being warm and pleasant to everybody. An overly eager handshake shows power, determination and the desire to remain in control of situations. If exaggerated, the handshake can make people appear inflexible and it can also reveal insecurity, a person who doesn't know when to quit.

3.The knuckle cruncher The knuckle cruncher usually wants to express a message of power and in timidation. For those peo ple who want to cover up their feelings of insecurity this handshake may be used to keep others at a dis tance..

There are also cases where the person is being sin cere. How ever while the inten tion may be to convey warmth, the impres sion creat d ed is definitely that of a per n son who is high strung and ke lacks sensitivity..

4.The lingering a e handshake o it Sometimes people keep a your hand in their hand for w too long and seem to not want to give it back. This may denote reliability and trustworthiness or it may suggest that the person hasn't revealed all of his/her cards. It may also mean that the person is expecting something more that what was agreed upon.

5. Light and brief fingertip grips Someone who is not interested in building rapport and wants to escape the greeting ritual as soon as possible.

This person is perceived to be passive and reserved, without the interest and energy required to complete people focused tasks. This type of handshake indicates a lacklustre personality and usually draws a lasting impression.

6. Use both hands It denotes an eagerness to convey a message. This is favourite handshake of politicians because it im plies a quick sincerity and intimacy. It is open to inter pretation whether the per son is trying to sell some thing that's not really there, or is someone who is gen uine and agreeable.

7.Teacup Like the claw of a lobster, the other person's thumb and fingers touch the palm of the hand and there is no palm-to-palm contact.

Timid and insecure, this person fears connecting at a deep level and may face challenges building rela tionships. This handshake indicates that the person may be hiding something.

8.Won't initiate a handshake This person will only re act to the other party's first move. In a case such as this, the person may be object ing to a situation, however if this behaviour is consistent, the person may be hesitant and reserved by nature.

9. Pat the other person's arm or shoulder May reveal a sense of su periority. Depending on the person's social position this handshake can be a sincere effort to show understand ing or it can be an attempt to belittle someone.

10.The stiff-arm thrust Keeping the arm close to the body while bending it at the elbow, this handshake is used by people who do not want to take risks. It can also act as a defence mechanism for people who feel a threat to their territory, and tends to be used by aggressive people who want to keep others at a distance.


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