Ways to ultimate happiness

Happiness is not fa away if you un derstand life an embrace it. To liv life to the fullest and make i more positive you just hav to follow simple rules. Her are some simple rules of lif that will help you to bette you and better tomorrow.

1. Learn to listen: Only the mind that listens can understand anything. Listening is not passive as most of us think. It means to let a message sink in, with out being judgmental. Don't criticise. Don't comment. Let not your conditioning interfere with understanding what you are hearing. Put off your filters. Let your intelligence take a break. Don't validate anything. Listen with a still, calm mind and you'll hear the deeper meanings. The contrived tree rends a healthy workload. So, be happy in working envirinment too.

You'll understand the Truth.

2. Understand yourself: Go Inward. Look inside you. Just relax and let your thoughts come out. Don't try to comment, criticise or judge them. Your anger, greed, jealousy and envy must be understood by you.

Only when you know the filth and mistakes inside can you change it. If you refuse that you are bad or deny it, then you can never be happy.

3. Be in sync with nature: You must understand the larger perspective of life. We are designed to live with nature, we depend on it for air, water, food et cetera. We can't go against it. Love the flowers, plants and trees. Do what you can to protect and nurture it. Live in harmony with it. And you'll find the happiness. Remember, as a child, you were thrilled by the first sprout of the seed you sowed in the garden.

4. Love unconditionally: The whole world seems to be doing this wrong. As children grow up, we ask them to do certain things. If they do, we shower love on them. If they don't, we scold them. We deny them our love.

The teacher does it. The boss is no different. And the partner is the same too. Rejection, scorn, cold shoulders, that's what people get when they don't follow the carrot and stick policy.

Do what I say, do what I like, only you'll be my best friend, you'll get my love. But, conditional a love works in the short term. Unconditional love to o children, friends, partners t and parents, that's the wint ning strategy. Try and you  won't regret.

5. Speak the truth: Truth is the foundation on b which true love is built. Lies a and falseness can crush a romantic relationship. Sooner or later, the person is going to find out the truth and then the love bonds are gone -disappearing into the thin air. When you're wrong or make a mistake, accept it. And the person will forgive you, not just that the bonds of love grow stronger after that.


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